


August Benefits News and Posts


Hygge: The Danish Philosophy for a Happier Life



Do you ever feel like your life is a storm of deadlines, worries, and duties? Do you ruminate on the past — or worry about the future? Are those around you taking advantage of your good nature and draining you? If this sounds like you, then it is time to find some hygge!

Hygge is a Danish word that is pronounced as “hoo-ga,” and often translated as “coziness,” but it’s not just about feeling snug and comfortable.

The actual meaning of the word hygge includes happiness, contentment, and sometimes even wellbeing. It refers to an atmosphere of warmth or coziness, sometimes with lights dimmed or with candles lit. Hygge is a feeling of comfort and safety alone or with family and friends. It is also about traditions and seasonality.

Hygge can be the enjoyment of life, warmth in the heart, and a sense of home.

In our busy modern lives, our stress levels are on the rise. Hygge makes it possible to slow down, appreciate the little things in life, connect with others — or just find personal sanctuary in an increasingly fast-paced world.

This is not just a concept but also a philosophy and way of living that can be applied to both our personal lives and our homes. So let’s learn how to enjoy life fully through hygge, the proper way:

The Danish Attitude Towards Hygge

The Danes’ attitude towards Hygge has been influenced by their historical background. Their cozy lifestyle is credited as one of the reasons why Denmark is always at the top of the world’s happiest countries:

  1. Finland

  2. Denmark

  3. Switzerland

  4. Iceland

  5. Netherlands

  6. Norway

  7. Sweden

  8. Luxembourg

The Danish culture has shifted to a more traditional view of society. This has led to an increase in traditional values. Some of these values are:

  • The appreciation of family life

  • Hospitality and generosity

  • Neighborliness and civility

  • A focus on local community life that is characterized by mutual care and involvement.

In other words, the Danish people cherish their time together, which is emphasized in the Hygge philosophy. This has also influenced their attitude towards work and relationships.

The Danish people value the importance of working together and looking out for one another through mutual care and involvement. They believe in giving back to others rather than receiving from them; they feel that society should give back to its members even if they do not ask for help.

Danes have a very positive attitude towards life and this is something that might be contagious during your visit to Denmark. Their love of socializing is something that you will appreciate more and more with time. In the end, you will come to realize just how easy it is to become one of them.

Apply “Hygge” Into Your Day-to-Day Life

There are many little ways in which you can include hygge into your daily life. For example, consider this checklist as a way of deciding what to do on a Sunday afternoon:

Enjoying the company of others

Hygge is about connecting with others, so spend time at home or at a friends’ house where you can relax and lots of laughter and conversation will take place. This is true even if you are going home alone on a Friday night. Just call up your friends.

Enjoying pampering yourself

Your body needs hygge as much as your mind does. A bath with lots of bubbles and candles, a massage from your significant other, or a haircut are great ways to spend a little money on yourself.

Taking time for reflection

The spiritual element of hygge is very important, it means you have time to go within and recharge your batteries before they run out completely. This can be done in many ways:

  • Taking a morning walk outside and appreciating the beautiful sunrise or sunset.

  • Waking up at dawn and spending ten minutes breathing deeply and being grateful for the day’s beauty.

  • Finding places that are peaceful, quiet, and heart-opening like forests or hillsides.

  • Watering plants or taking time to look after flowers in your garden.

Cooking and eating good food

Hygge is about quality time alone or with others, so spend time preparing a meal for others, or just yourself.

Food can be cooked and eaten outside or indoors comfortably in front of the fire and it is also a “hyggeligt” tradition to invite people over for dinner to make it more special — especially when you have made a home-cooked meal from scratch.

Enjoying life’s simple pleasures through relaxing activities:

  • Put on warm and socks, take your favorite chair and sit by the fire with your favorite book and a mug of hot chocolate.

  • Sit down to a quiet meal with the ones you love. Appreciate the music. Appreciate the food. Appreciate your loved ones!

  • Enjoy the company of your loved ones outside in the sunshine.

  • Spending time with your pet (dog or cat) on a bed somewhere where you can cuddle and play together.

  • Taking photographs of people or places while enjoying conversation, good food, and drink.

All You Need to Know

Hygge lifestyle: Essentially, a Danish lifestyle is about making time for the important things in life and getting rid of the non-essential.

The principles of hygge — focusing on simple things that make you happy; making time for quality experiences with friends and family; creating a warm, inviting atmosphere in your home; and savoring everyday moments — can help you feel at peace with yourself and the world around you.

This means using the relaxation and happiness that hygge can bring to your home to enrich your everyday living.

The “hoo-ga” philosophy is not just about embracing true comfort and coziness in your everyday life but also, going with the flow and enjoying small, simple pleasures.

So let’s turn our stressful busy lives into a “hoo-ga-fied” one!