


Retirement and Executive Planning… ensuring the bounty of your hard work.


In today’s competitive landscape where businesses are facing more challenges from more angles than ever before, it’s important to understand that this environment also provides for more opportunities than the market has ever seen. So, you take calculated risks every day and your key people—those executives who contribute so much to your success—are not just along for the ride, they are driving the boat with you. How do you get those people to strive everyday to be the best? Motivation takes many forms but for these forward thinking folks, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel that is… well, the light at the end of the tunnel! Retirement and exec planning on behalf of your key team… that’s the endgame. And we may be able to help get you there because we understand the path to get to the prize.

As employees today struggle to make retirement decisions that will supplement Social Security, they depend on employers to sponsor retirement plans that can help them meet their financial goals. An effective retirement plan is essential to recruiting and retaining valuable employees, as well as reducing business income tax liability. August Benefits can assist your organization with the following key priorities for a successful plan.

  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of a plan fiduciary

  • Plan design and compliance

  • Selection and monitoring of plan investments

  • Plan participation and education strategies

  • Service, technology and day-to-day administration

We realize that it can be a challenge to keep up-to-date with complex and ever-changing government regulations for both qualified and non-qualified retirement plans. Required record keeping, vesting calculations, benefit payments, participant statements and government filings can be intimidating to say the least. Thankfully, August Benefits’ full range of administrative and compliance services helps businesses meet these demands.

The design of your company’s unique retirement plan by a credentialed August Benefits associate includes a thorough fact-finding process and evaluation, followed by a carefully planned recommendation to suit your needs.